Sneha Kulkarni


I have created this site as a repository of all the apps, designs and posts. For code and details about the projects you can visit the links given in the portfolio section or send me a mail. I would be more than happy to help you.

Something about me..

I am a full-stack developer living in San Jose, California. I have worked as Software Engineering Intern, Apple Inc (FileMaker) and as Programmer Analyst in Cognizant Technology Solutions.

I Believe..

I am a hard worker and firm believer in continuial learning. I trust that putting in the effort and doing something challenging every single day is more satisfying than knowing little and being contended with limited knowledge.

Programming and interests..

I am passionate about semantics and standards based development. I have interest in varied languages like Python, Ruby, Objective-C, Java, C++ and I can write production code in all. I consider myself jack of all languages and striving to be best them. I am fluent in natural languages English, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi and konkani (spoken). In addition to my passion for technology, I love Indian Classical & Folk Dance, Baking, and just like most, Aishwarya Rai. :)

Areas of Interest

I am Fullstack Engineer with over 4 years of development experience. Here are a few areas that I am passionate about and would love to work in. More about the projects in each can be found in the porfolio section.

Mobile App Development

I have developed Android and iOS applications. My latest app was SmartCart, which helps shoppers keep a tab on their purchases in the supermarket.

UI / UX Development and Web Deployment

Using Angular JS & Bootstrap I have developed several websites with clean design and responsive UI. I have also worked on deployment platforms like Amazon EC2 & Salesforce HEROKU.

Cloud Technologies

I created a project, SyncDrive, to unify user's cloud storage. It provides a unified platform for users of dropbox, box, Google Drive Accounts to transfer file from one provider to the other.

Augmented Reality

Using MetaIO SDK I created a product called HomeAR. HomeAR is an Android application which allows customers to place a 3D image of any desired furniture on to any live camera feed.

Enterprise Application Development

I have worked for several companies in the past including Apple, where I have developed enterprise software on the Mac OSX platform. I am also a proficient fullstack developer Python(Flask).

Data Mining and Analytics

Having implemented clustering and predictive algorithms in R, I have analyzed health data to recommend hospitals based on patient satisfaction survey and better medical facilities.

My skills


Python (Flask)




Java (Android)



work I am proud of

Displayed below are some of the projects that I have developed.

HomeAR: Augmented Reality at Home

Enhancing Customer Experience

Enhancing Customer Experience using Augmented Reality and Data Analytics

The project is centered on developing a mobile app that would enhance the shopping experience of customers purchasing specific set of items for their house using augmented reality. Also, in a long run it will give a way for retailers to target customers based on their purchase history and patterns for providing them with custom coupons.

The main features of this application are:

  • Maintaining User profile: Our mobile application manages user-customized profile and maintains the registration details of all the users accessing the application.

  • Selection: This feature lets a user to decide and select their desired category from the catalog list provided by the application.

  • Visualize: This extends the selection feature by allowing the users to visualize the selected items using augmented reality characteristic of our mobile application.
  • Decision Making: The support for product visualization helps in assisting the users to take proper decisions while purchasing items in the later period. The users will be able to judge if the items they buy will go in place with other items in the environment or not.
  • Help Retailer growth: Suggest retailer businesses established outside to exercise this mobile app implementation in long run for maintaining a strong profile in the current market trends.

This mobile app would change the way people would select and visualize items that they want to purchase. Also, it would immensely help in giving an idea about augmented reality to the retailers in their business by targeting the right customers in future.

Cloudy MeatBall: A Kinect Game in Greenfoot (Java)

Motion based Kinect Game

The game can be played on a Mac, Windows or Linux system with Java installed and has a Microsoft Kinect sensor connected to it. The game initially calibrates the players arms, legs and their position. Once successfully calibrated the game begins. The player can move right or left to collect the food items falling from the sky. To make the game more challenging there are animals entering from left and right of the screen. The player can lift his left had to shoot bullets on these animals. Alternatively the player can jump to save himself from these animals.

Green foot is a platform to learn object oriented programming in Java. Green foot is visual and interactive. Visualization and Interaction tools are built into the platform. These tool include modules to interact with the Kinect Sensor.

Design Patterns Used

  • a) Strategy Pattern

    Strategy Pattern allows the flexibility of choosing one algorithm or module from a set of algorithms or modules based on runtime conditions. In the game strategy pattern was used to keep track of score, items consumed and monsters killed

  • b) State Pattern

    State Pattern allows an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes. In the game the state pattern was used to keep track of levels. There were three beginner levels, intermediate and advanced.

  • c) Singleton Pattern

    Singleton Pattern restricts the initialization of a class to one object. In the game the singleton pattern was used to create one player object.

  • b) Factory Pattern

    The Factory pattern solves the problem of creating different objects without specifying the exact class of object that will be created. In the game the factory pattern was used to create different kinds of ammunition for different gestures.

About Scrum and Agile methodology

This project was developed within the estimated time using Scrum and Agile methodology. These processes helped us with task division, team self management and the ability to adapt to emerging requirements.

Android Apk Information

Android Script: GitHub Project

In this project I have written a script reads the information about an android apps extracted from mobile.

What does this project do?

  • 1. Checks for the extracted apks for format.
  • 2. Can upload one or more files to the server.
  • 3. Runs "aapt d badging (apk_path)" command to obtain APK File Name, Application Name, Package Name, Build Version Name, Version Code, and Platform Build Version Name information.
  • 4. Delete the Apk files uploaded from the server.
  • 5. Store the results in a consolidates history seggregated by date and time.

Effect of Climate Change on Indian Agriculture

A Data Analytics Project

Smarter Agriculture using Soil Prediction

Agriculture is a major contributing factor to the Indian economy. This comes as no surprise since every year it contributes about 16% to the Indian economy and provides 10% to the economy owing to trade exports. More than 60% of the population is dependent on agriculture either for employment or as an essential part in their work flow process.

Infrared spectroscopy utilized infrared waves which have a frequency lower than the frequency of visible light.The instrument with which this process is carried out is the infrared spectrometer which produces an infrared spectrum. The main principle on which infrared spectroscopy works is the fact that when any object is exposed to light, some part of the light is absorbed by it molecules. The amount of light absorbed depends on the structure of the object. Other applications of infrared spectroscopy is finding out the blood alcohol content of a drunk driver. This technique is very useful, since it is efficient and accurate. Since this technique is non destructive, soil must not be dug out to analyze it. The reading instruments can deliver a reading when kept at a close proximity.

The project deals with developing an application, which will learn the composition of a soil from infrared spectroscopy measurements. On analyzing the measurements and calibrating the readings with the conclusion from soil testing labs, the application will learn how to predict the quality of a soil when given a set of infrared spectroscopy measurements.

MOOC: Massive Open Online Course

Collaborative Flexible Network

MOOCs or Massive Online Open Courses based on Open Educational Resources (OER) might be one of the most versatile ways to offer access to quality education, especially for those residing in far or disadvantaged areas. And this project analyzes the state of the art on MOOCs, exploring open research questions and setting interesting topics and goals for further research. Finally, it proposes a framework that includes the use of software agents with the aim to improve and personalize management, delivery, efficiency and evaluation of massive online courses on an individual level basis.

The project ensures a stable communication across multiple servers in a dynamic overlay network. In a decentralized, loosely coupled, service oriented architecture; a significant amount of time is spent on reliability and scalability aspects of the system.The major challenges that a distributed network has to deal with include storage and retrieval of data, establishing connection across the servers, promptly responding to the requests and graceful handling of errors. The project has several design concerns as mentioned below that are addressed in the implementation:

Inspecting the request and response type.

  • Understanding DNS Resolution and IP Identification between the servers and requesting nodes i.e. client
  • Heterogeneous development and training environments.
  • Testing options are limited because assessments have to be conducted using automated tools and allowing limited peer interaction

My approach to solve these problems involves multiple technologies that not only help in solving network communication problems, storage and retrieval but also set global standards to make this communication system interoperable.

BI in Healthcare

Find best medical facilities nearby

Big Data is a popular term used to describe the exponential growth and availability of data, both structured and unstructured. And big data may be as important to business – and society – as the Internet has become. More data may lead to more accurate analyses.

Big data analytics in healthcare is evolving into a promising field for providing insight from very large data sets and improving outcomes while reducing costs. Big data in healthcare refers to electronic health data sets so large and complex that they are difficult to manage with traditional software and/or hardware.Big data in healthcare is overwhelming not only because of its volume but also because of the diversity of data types and the speed at which it must be managed. The totality of data related to patient healthcare and well-being make up “big data” in the healthcare industry. When big data is synthesized and analyzed, healthcare providers and other stakeholders in the healthcare delivery system can develop more thorough and insightful diagnoses and treatments, resulting in higher quality care at lower costs and in better outcomes overall.

By digitizing, combining and effectively using big data, healthcare organizations ranging from single-physician offices and multi-provider groups to large hospital networks and accountable care organizations stand to realize significant benefits.

CartIn: A Smart budgeting app for your cart

Android Geolocation-based Budgeting App

A Smart Cart App system calculates the total cost in the cart before going to the billing counter.This is a very useful app to control your budget. It takes calculation to desired precision. Takes in decimal Values. Tracks your location and would suggest where you should buy which items.

t also maintains an inventory of your whole shopping list. Seamless addition and updating data and prices. The App basically calculates the item amount, total cost and let you know how much budget is remaining depending upon the items that you put into the cart. The app can be installed on an android device by downloading apk file.

get in touch

Please feel free to send me an email if you need advice on your projects or want to know more about my work. I would be more than happy to answer your questions!


Sunnyvale, California, USA

email me